Here are some cool new features of version 7:
1. Recommendations
Based on Pointstone Labs research, Recommendations provides each individual PC an extensive list of suggestions the user can apply to improve PC performance and optimize network and Windows configurations.
Based on Pointstone Labs research, Recommendations provides each individual PC an extensive list of suggestions the user can apply to improve PC performance and optimize network and Windows configurations.

2. ActiveBoost
Running in the background, Active Boost automatically improves PC performance by intelligently managing active programs.
Running in the background, Active Boost automatically improves PC performance by intelligently managing active programs.

3. Shredder Shell Extension
Right click a file or folder and select Pointstone SecureErase to securely delete (shred) files or folders. Erased files cannot be recovered even when using forensic software.
Right click a file or folder and select Pointstone SecureErase to securely delete (shred) files or folders. Erased files cannot be recovered even when using forensic software.

4. Resize System Cleaner
It's now possible to resize the main Window of System Cleaner.
5. Compatible with Windows 8
It's now possible to resize the main Window of System Cleaner.

System Cleaner 7 is compatible with Windows 8 (32 and 64-bit)
6. Improved Registry CleanerRegistry Cleaner engine has been improved and extended in this new System Cleaner 7 version.
7. Improved support for Windows fonts over 100%If you use Windows with fonts set at over 100%, System Cleaner 7 now handles fonts much better on all utilities.
8. Create Restore Point when first starting ystem Cleaner 7When System Cleaner 7 starts for the first time, a dialog will show asking user if he wants to create a Windows restore point.
9. Windows Startup ManagerWindows Startup Manager has been improved with more features and and a new look. Items now can be enabled/disabled using a toggle image instead of a checkbox.