Index.dat Viewer allows you to see the contents of files hidden on your computer that contain all of the Web sites that you have ever visited.
- Every URL, cookies and browsing history is listed there.
- index.dat Viewer reads the index.dat files directly.
- index.dat Viewer is absolutely free of charge for home and corporate users alike.
- index.dat works with Internet Explorer up to version 9.0. Newer versions no longer create index.dat files.
Version 4.0 released January 24, 2014

What are Index.dat Files?
Index.dat are files hidden on your computer that contain all of the Web sites that you have ever visited. Every URL, cookies and browsing history is listed there. The file names and locations depend on what version of Internet Explorer you have. If you are running IE version 4.0 or above, the file name is "index.dat". Microsoft has not supplied an adequate explanation as to what these files are for or why they have been hidden so well.
What is index.dat Viewer?
index.dat Viewer reads the index.dat files directly. This makes sure that what you see displayed by the program are the exact contents of the index.dat files.
Download index.dat Viewer (Freeware)
Learn more about index.dat files
Is it really FREE?! What's the catch?
index.dat Viewer is absolutely free of charge for home and corporate users alike. We believe that index.dat Viewer is a must have tool for Windows users to better understand what kind of information is present on their computers.
If you want to support further development, please consider purchasing our award winning program Total Privacy that will help you protect against today malicious online and offline threats.